TLC Wellness Days

TLC Wellness Days

This is a day that is developed for the well-being of your employees. It can be customized to whatever services we offer as a way to help your staff feel appreciated and get tips on how to reduce stress inn their lives. Below is an sample of what a day can look like.

Schedule Options:

10 AM – 4 PM – Chair Massage

All employees will have the opportunity to sign up for a 10 or 13 minute chair massage. The timeframe will be determined as part of the contract. There can be 1-? Massage therapists required to provide sessions for employees

9 AM – 11:30 AM: Mindfulness MeditationThree to six 20-minute sessions

Participants will be guided through a 10-minute mindfulness practice. The remainder of the time will include an introduction to mindfulness and then followed by a short period to answer questions and share their personal experience of the Mindfulness exercise.

12 PM – 1:15 PM – Wellbeing Workshop

There are many topic options for this 45 – 60-minute time frame.

It will consist of a PowerPoint presentation, opportunities to experience whatever the main topic is about and open discussion for answering questions. One excellent option, is an empowering talk on how to change your thoughts which will change your life. In this case, participants may receive their own copy of the book titled, “From Stressed to Blessed”.

1:30 PM – 4:00 PM “From Stressed to Your Best” Small Group Practice periods OR

Stretching and Muscle Relaxation Techniques (this choice will also be made before the day of the event. It can also be a combination; 2 sessions of Changing your thoughts and two sessions of stretching.