How to Steer Your Ship Through the Sea of Life…No Matter How Rough the Waters
- Learn to live with purpose, intention and authenticity
- Inspire growth from your longing
- Vibrantly shine your light audaciously
- Energetically step into being your own pathfinder
We will:
- Understand the “self” as three different parts of our whole
- Get in touch with our 12 Powers and nurture our needs for embodiment
- Learn an “active” meditation that unleashes the best part of who we are
Sunday, March 31, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM, $125, Unity Center of Norwalk
Transformation Using Mindfulness and Meditation
Join me for six weeks of learning about and experiencing the transformational benefits of mindfulness and meditation. Each week we will discuss and explore simple mindedness exercises as well as experience different easy meditations.
You will be given tools to use on a daily basis which enable a more mindful and hence a more empowered life, as well as reduce stress, relax and be in the present moment – truly our only place of power.
Classes are Wednesday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:45 pm beginning on March 28 through May 2. Branford High School, $120.00.
Dream Your Way to the Life of Your Dreams
Calling all dreamers! It’s time to take your heart’s treasures out of the chest and dust them off. Our heart’s desires hold the vital spark of our soul’s growth, so let us fan that spark and shine brilliantly. Along with our waking dreams and aspirations, our sleeping dreams are vital sparks illuminating our path. Together we will revive our waking dreams and practice the art of Dream Tending our sleeping dreams. Come play with us and nourish your soul in the field of dreams! Participants will:
• Tap into your heart of heart’s desires to reenergize your life path
• Identify innate qualities to support you in living the life of your dreams
• Learn powerful techniques of dream-work to illuminate your path
• Find soul medicine in your sleeping dreams to enliven your waking reality
What to Bring:
2nd Floor
Norwalk, CT 06851
United States
Click here to register.
Ignite your Heart’s Desire – Find Your True North – Live Intentionally
Saturday June 10, 10am – 5pm, $165
- Engage with your Authentic Self
- Chart your True North
- Effect Positive Change for yourself and others
- Live with purpose and intention
We will:
- Write effective affirmations
- Create powerful focus wheels
- Make revealing vision boards
- Flip limiting beliefs to fire up transformation
- Enjoy a loving atmosphere
- Produce a tool box of processes and practices for use throughout your life
Click here to register.
Download the event flyer here.
International Women’s’ Day 2017
Media for Social Justice is a non-profit organization based in New York City that uses visual storytelling and education to inspire global attitude and policy changes. It was founded in 2006 under the vision of Leora Kahn, a longtime photo editor, documentary producer, and human rights advocate, who sought to unite the skills and experiences of internationally renowned photojournalists for social good.
Featuring keynote Leora Kahn, music By Lara Herscovitch, and art by Jax.
7-9 AM Mindfulness Breakfast – New Haven City Hall
12 PM-1:45 PM Panel Discussion, “Women Working Toward peace” – Gateway Community College
2:30 PM-4:30 PM Film Screening “Every Mother’s Son” – New Haven Public Library – Main (Ives) Branch
5:30-7:30 PM “Continue the Conversation…” – Musical Intervention 23 Temple Street New Haven, CT
Click here to register.
Download the event PDF here.
One Day Inspiration Retreats at Beechwood
Be Inspired through these life- enriching 1-Day adventures of self- discovery! Explore new ideas that enlighten the spirit and feed the soul on Beechwood’s inspirational grounds.
Curated by our “Inspiration Team”, Min Green and Theresa Crisci, and facilitated by professionals in stress reduction, mindfulness, life coaching, massage therapy, alternative healing, meditation and more, these retreats are designed for anyone who is looking to bring more enrichment into their everyday.
SPRING: April 1 “Inspired SelfCare”
Be led through the seven steps to inspired and empowered self care, taking home with you holistic tools & techniques for nourishing body, mind, and spirit every day. Max 20 participants
Click here to register for this event.
Download the event PDF here.
Photos from the Retreat!