You may wonder if there is scientific evidence on the stress reduction benefits of massage and other alternative therapies. Yes, there is.
Massage therapy also has been effective in reducing anxiety and job stress as well as enhancing job performance. In this study on job stress, biweekly chair massage decreases anxiety, depression, and anger among medical school employees. After the massage, subjects had more vigor and lower pulse and were able to complete math computations in half the time with half the errors. Electroencephalogram (EEG) waves were consistent with this pattern of heightened alertness and relaxation. The EEG pattern of heightened alertness included decreased alpha and decreased beta and theta waves. This pattern was consistent with improved math computations.
Our wellness and health programs will benefit your employees and your bottom line.
You might be surprised at how many of your employees recognize the link between mind and body. Every day, employees tell us how grateful they are for information on how stress reduction, nutrition, sleep, relaxation and exercise are the cornerstones to living a healthy life.
The benefits to employers are many:
- Relaxed employees have improved ability to manage job-related stress.
- Yoga, massage and other bodywork relieves job-related muscular tension.
- Exercise and good nutrition increase your workers’ energy and productivity.
- Chair massages and classes provide a productive break in the day-to-day routine.
- One of our corporate clients found that after a 15-minute chair massage, their employees’ blood pressure decreased by several points!
- A Wellness Program demonstrates your company’s concern for employee health and well being.
- Employees who know their company cares about their happiness and health take good care of their employers!