Moon and Solstice Celebrations
Moon and Solstice Celebrations
Moon & Solstice Celebrations
We come together in ceremony or ritual to celebrate, reflect, intend and to heal. Every month, the Universe gives us two little presents which we can celebrate in ceremony. They are so small they may be easily missed. These lovely opportunities are, of course, the new moon and the full moon which each happen every 28-30 days.
Many traditions use the monthly lunar cycle power. When we chose to be, we are empowered by taking this time to be still, check in and see what is ours to do. What is ours to create during this time on the planet? What do each of us need to let go of, what is no longer serving us in our lives? This one hour each month, during the full moon and new moon cycles, help us answer these questions. Then we go back to our homes and continue to foster these findings. Come check it out with us. Both events each month help one establish excellent practices for manifestation.
Full Moon Ceremony
When the moon is waning, it is essentially shrinking, and that is why this time of the month is an ideal time for letting go and cleansing; be this physically (like tidying and decluttering) or emotionally (like letting go of negative thought patterns or challenges in career or relationships, etc.) This is why the full moon and the new moon are seen as such transformational times. They are the pivotal moments in the moon’s cycle and are therefore seen to be, in some ways, the most powerful. The full moon is a powerful and energetic time and one often associated with transition and change. Join us for meditation, journaling and setting goals that are inspired by taking the time to be still and be in the energy of the full moon cycle phase, as well as with others that are also letting go of what no longer serves in their highest good.
Suggested Fee is $25.00
New Moon Ceremony
The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and often brings with it an array of new beginnings. This leaves new moons feeling like a particularly ideal time for self-reflection, course correction and goal- setting. The new moon is a more settling time, and one of reflection and turning inwards. This phase is much calmer and brings with it a sense of stillness; its energy being much subtler and gentler than that of a full moon. Join us for meditation, journaling and setting goals that are inspired by taking the time to be still and be in the energy of the new moon cycle phase, as well as with others that are also creating something new.
Suggested Fee is $25.00
Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice marks the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere. It is also the shortest day and the longest night of the year! The Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, so the sun is at its lowest point in reference to the Northern Hemisphere. It marks new beginnings, because starting tomorrow, the days are getting longer. Celebrate the light of awareness and the rebirth of the sun. The Winter solstice is a good time to go inward. Listening to things that you previously did not hear. It is a great time to contemplate and embrace a new chapter. The Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of Spirit and the power of faith and hope that our visions of the future will come into light. It’s speculated that most religions have events that match up with the events involving the sun, which is why there is often a spiritual meaning.
The night is full of blessings and surprises. We spend time in community setting intentions and then gathering to break bread together sharing our hopes and dreams for what the spring will bring.
Suggested Fee is $40.00.
Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is the day with the longest period of daylight, which is why it is often called the longest day of the year. During the month of June, the solstice occurs when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky. This solstice is a universal symbol of light, life, growth, and the prospect of a bountiful harvest in the future.
There are many rituals for the Summer Solstice like, watching the sun rise and set, go swimming, enjoy the outdoors, gather summer herbs, make a crown of flowers and have a Solstice bonfire. The bonfire rituals include food, dancing, music, and storytelling. Bonfires were a vital part of ancient summer solstice celebrations, historically used to ward off evil spirits. Participants are invited to sit in a circle around the fire, tell stories, sing songs, and recite poetry as part of the festivities. Another healing ritual is, write down something you want to let go of on a piece of paper. Choose a memory, a regret, or a source of anxiety. Take a deep breath and throw the paper into the fire, letting your troubles burn away. If you choose to celebrate with us, you can be sure it will be a night of spirit, connection and healing.
Suggested Fee is $40.00