Employee Kickoff to Action Letter


Are you and your coworkers always on the edge of burnout? Are unhealthy habits decreasing productivity and sinking morale?  Could your company do a better job of creating an environment that fosters balance for its employees? 

Total-balance Life Choice has made it easy to TAKE ACTION and start the discussion with company decision makers. We’ve put together a simple letter to send to your HR Department or Company Leadership that will make them aware of the array of customizable Empowerment, Productivity and Wellness Programs that Total-balance Life Choice offers, while making the very important case of how both the company and its employees will benefit! Check it out here: 

Dear HR Department / Company Leadership:

I was recently made aware of the company Total-balance Life Choice and the array of customizable  Empowerment, Productivity and Wellness Programs that they offer. I wanted to pass along the information on this important resource that is specifically designed to drive productivity, job satisfaction and employee retention, as well as reduce overall healthcare costs. 

Setting up a free consultation with Total-balance Life Choice to discuss a customized program would be a great way to benefit employees and the bottom line.

Here’s to living well!